Thoroughbread – Gluten Free & Paleo Bread

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I bought a loaf of

I bought a loaf of Paleo Gold recently for a GF friend who was visiting. It was such a novelty for her to be eating fresh bread, that had the texture of normal bread and tasted delicious – there wasn’t much left a day later! Having tried a number of GF breads myself, I can definitely confirm this range of breads tastes the best out of all of them. Thanks Rebecca!

Marlena Dijkstra

We were both at the

We were both at the Wellington market recently and stumbled across your stall offering Keto bread. Just had to try as we havnt found the closest to standard bread we use to eat. It was expensive but boy did it tick all the boxes, so yummy and keeps very well in the fridge, didn’t make it to the freezer. I have now ordered more online and can’t wait for it to arrive. Yummy 😋and glad we found you

Marlene Fawcett

Yesterday a friend gave me

Yesterday a friend gave me a bag of your Gluten Free Burger Buns, the swirly ones.
She said to try them, as I am GF and hate most GF bread.
I split the bun in half and toasted it.
WOW!! They are SO yummy!! And so light on my stomach! I have never eaten such tasty GF bread/buns before! I am totally hooked, and look forward to trying other Thoroughbread products! Especially the fruit bread and the Easter Buns!
I just need to find a supermarket close by that stocks your GF products. (I am in Titirangi West Auckland.
Totally the best GF bread EVER!!
Many thanks for being one of fabulous businesses that make such yummy GF
food for us Coeliacs:-)
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!

Shona Gaye Hutchings

After nearly 30 years of being

After nearly 30 years of being intolerant to gluten and dairy – finally I have found the best gluten free bread I have ever tasted. Tried the bread in a Wellington Cafe and visited the amazing market in Wellington and Thoroughbred were selling it there. I will be ordering it in from now on. Way to go guys you have nailed it.

Bronny Pett

Now I’m hooked. Easter buns

Now I’m hooked.
Easter buns and Paleo Gold!
It’s been years since I’ve eaten anything but GF bread as toast! Not any more now I have discovered Paleo Gold, it is a game changer for a sandwich and delicious – my go to!

Easter buns, wow! Finally, a great treat for people who are dietary restricted and wish to still enjoy something mainstream that isn’t like cardboard or taste nothing like it gluteus counterpart.


Excellent communication and service 10

Excellent communication and service 10 out of 10.
The keto is the best that I have ever tasted.
I look forward to my next order arriving 🙂 I live in Christchurch and there aren’t any places who stock the Keto but thank goodness I can purchase from the online store.

Sonia Johnstone

Hi there. Yesterday I purchased

Hi there. Yesterday I purchased your gluten free fruit and spice loaf, from ‘the Big Egg’ in Levin. It is the first time I have actively purchased a gluten free loaf. I thought the loaf perfectly baked and balanced. Well done, it is a great product.

Yvette Hewlett

Your Easter hot cross buns are so amazing!

Your Easter hot cross buns are so amazing!
Incredible flavour full of spice and fruit!
So pleased I preordered them from Connings Nelson.
Will definitely order more products!


Margie Gatward-Smith

By far the best tasting fluffy, delicious buns I have had

I cannot give enough credit to these hot cross buns! By far the best tasting fluffy, delicious buns I have had. I will be tasting all of Thoroughbread recipes from now on. They are my new fave for Paleo and Gluten Free.


Jessica Gooch

The buns taste delicious and fresh!

I happened across the market in Paraparaumu yesterday and thankfully saw your stall before you packed up.

I tasted a couple of samples of the bread and enjoyed them. i was sold when i picked up the packet of buns and felt how soft they were! they felt like they had not long been out of the oven. i bought a packet.

the buns taste delicious and fresh!

i have been gluten free for over 25 years and seen the GF products change dramatically in that time. thank you so very much for the work you have put into developing a recipe that tastes great, is full of nutrition and made with love. 🙂

i will be looking for your products in the stores i shop in.

have a wonderful day,


Tracy Keith

After 25 years of suffering ‘wall board’ like sandwiches, I am very appreciative of Rebecca’s efforts in developing a wheat free bread product which is soft like wheat bread

I first discovered Thoroughbread products (sold by Rebecca) at the Victoria Street market 2 years ago. Rebecca has developed a variety of gluten free breads, cakes and biscuits which have not only been a heavenly find for me and my family but are stunningly delicious.

Let me tell you why. I and my two daughters (and now my husband) have been wheat free for 25 years now. When my eldest daughter was born (she’s 25 now) her reaction to wheat through my breast milk was severe. When we took wheat (and other things) out of her diet and mine both of us improved dramatically. 25 years ago the number and quality of wheat free products on the market was dismal to say the least and my efforts at baking with gluten free flours was very ‘hit and miss’. As a result we have had to suffer eating some terrible unappetizing excuses for bread and biscuits over the years most of them resembling flavourless wall board!!

Our favourite bread is the gluten free sesame and linseed loaf. This is delicious bread full of flavour. The best thing about it for us is that we can eat it as a sandwich without the need to toast it. Most wheat free breads I’ve experienced over the years are only edible if toasted – but none of them have been what you would call ‘enjoyable’. Since we’ve discovered Thoroughbread we have relished the taste of fresh bread again and it is such a treat for us to make a pile of fresh bread sandwiches after we pick up our order on a Sunday. We have tried all of Thoroughbred’s wheat free varieties (from memory they are honey and corn, carrot and fennel, olive and rosemary, honey and walnut), but the sesame and linseed is our favourite – it’s great in a sandwich, we like that it’s made with whole grains, it keeps very well in the fridge, toasts well, freezes and thaws well and best of all it hangs together and doesn’t break up like so many wheat free versions do.

My daughter’s favourite is the gluten free honey and corn loaf because (in her words) it looks like ‘normal bread’. As a child she was teased mercilessly at school about her strange packed lunches mostly containing Mum’s efforts at a wheat free scone or muffin.

A weekly special treat for us is a mini gluten free carrot cake with our coffee (I am devouring mine as I write). And recently Rebecca has developed a wheat free chocolate chip biscuit which is delicious.

I thoroughly recommend Thoroughbread products. From my conversations with Rebecca I know a lot of effort goes into producing a quality product which performs well and is absolutely delicious. After 25 years of suffering ‘wall board’ like sandwiches, I am very appreciative of Rebecca’s efforts in developing a wheat free bread product which is soft like wheat bread. In fact I serve up Rebecca’s bread to everyone who visits our house who’s not gluten free – no one is any the wiser that it’s not regular wheat bread!


It’s the best gluten free bread we have ever eaten

Writing to say how much my husband and I love your bread. It’s the best gluten free bread we have ever eaten.

Paul is gluten intolerant and hasn’t liked any bread we’ve bought over last 10 years.

It’s been cardboard like, dry and tasteless. Until we tried yours, particularly olive and rosemary loaf.

Thank you so much for producing fabulous gluten free really tasty moist bread.

When I read on the packet you are Levin based we were extra pleased.

We live here and am delighted to support locally made goods.

Please keep making your healthy beautiful tasting bread. We love it.


My first GF sammie in years without having to toast the bread first

Wow … My partner bought some of your bread last week from the market and it was just SO AMAZING to have my first GF sammie in years without having to toast the bread first. WHAT INCREDIBLE BREAD YOU MAKE!!!

Thank you so much – and now to find a way to keep my ‘normal bread’ eating partner away from it! Congratulations on a truly fabulous product – and all natural.


The nicest piece of toast I have ever had since I stopped eating wheat!

My celiac friend (I am intolerant to wheat) introduced me to your bread and I just want to thank you for eating the nicest piece of toast I have ever had since I stopped eating wheat! I just wish that there was something even half as good over here in the netherlands where I live. All the breads are cakey and crumbly and miss the texture and go too weird when toasted. I look forward to spending next summer back home in NZ and I will be eating your bread ALL THE TIME.


I have not found another bread to match this

I was lucky enough to be going through the Wairarapa and Kapiti Coast a couple of weeks ago and in both places I heard about your fabulous bread. I was able to get a Linseed & Sesame loaf from a friend in Levin who truly did not want to part with it but gave in to my begging!

I have two pieces left as I froze it and rationed it to myself and am dreading having the last two pieces as I don’t know how I can get more. I am dairy and gluten free and in many years I have not found another bread to match this.


It is absolutely terrific!

I bought some of your bread at the market last Sunday. It had been recommended to me by a friend as the only gluten free bread you can actually eat. While I was waiting in the queue your other regular customers all told me how fabulous the bread was, so I was sold before I even had my first mouthful. They were right. It is absolutely terrific! I had tried many of the commercial gluten free bread products and they were all awful. As someone who is newly gluten-free and wanting a healthier diet overall – I am delighted to know there are people like you out there making truly wonderful products.


It is truly the best I have tried

I am a HUGE fan of your gluten free bread! So thank you so much for making such a fantastic product – it is truly the best I have tried (and I have tried a lot!) by miles, the rest of my family who aren’t even gluten intolerant eat it quite happily which definitely says something.


Moist and equally lovely as a sandwich or as toast

Thanks so much for dropping by ORA Cafe Sunday 10th January and leaving me a loaf of bread to try. It’s delicious, moist and equally lovely as a sandwich or as toast.


I’d say it’s the best gluten free bread I’ve tasted

I was lucky enough to sample some of your bread while staying at Cascades motor lodge in Taupo over new year. I’d say it’s the best gluten free bread I’ve tasted in the five years since I was diagnosed as a coeliac.


I was lucky enough to buy one of your linseed and sesame gluten free loaves

I was lucky enough to buy one of your linseed and sesame gluten free loaves from Commonsense Organics and it was the best GF bread I have ever tasted! It’s so light compared to the other brands.

Sadly my naughty Beagle Buckley pinched half the load off the bench when I had turned my back and wolfed it down. I went to CO today to purchase some more but there was none left.


I’m the girl who cried at her first taste of Thoroughbread

It was so great to meet you, albeit briefly, at the Gluten Free and Allergy Show today. I never introduced myself by my name but hopefully you remember me: the girl who cried at her first taste of Thoroughbread. I immediately went home and had a sandwich (which i didn’t have to toast). It was AWESOME!! My eyes welled up a little whilst I ate it and I enjoyed it so much I just had to have another.

I was overwhelmed with your kind gesture and you’ve definitely made a loyal customer out of me. Thank you so much creating this amazing product. I could see your passion for breadmaking by the way you spoke and I could taste it in your bread. I’m so glad someone can care so much about making gluten free products that are as close as you can get to the ‘real thing’.


It’s a miracle to find a bread which he actually enjoyed

We have just returned from Tauranga and found the Gluten Free shop. We purchased a loaf of your Thoroughbread Walnut Herb and Garlic. My husband is gluten intolerant and a miracle to find a bread which he actually enjoyed and he doesn’t like walnuts but guess what – yep he ate it all and more.

Thank you for your time and congratulations on your fabulous bread.


Your bread does not make me tired as other breads do

Thank goodness for meeting you at the gluten free fair in Hastings, I have not found a bread that actually helps to digest other food but I believe yours does just that. The way the bread is made must contain valuable enzymes for digestion; this is all I can think of for the gentleness on the stomach and lack of gas. Your bread does not make me tired as others do, or constipated. It sustains my energy, without the major ups and downs. My favourite Walnut and garlic. I wish you every success and will continue to support your product in store.


Absolutely fabulous

This is just a “thank you very much” email. I recently started buying your Olive & Rosemary gluten free bread from Common Sense Organics in Lower Hutt. This is the first gluten-free bread that I have enjoyed as a sandwich, untoasted. Absolutely fabulous. I am taking some to work tomorrow to share with a friend who is also gluten free because she was complaining about how stodgy most gluten free breads are.

Today I bought the Carrot & Fennel bread, and I enjoyed that for lunch filled with salmon and lettuce. I slice the bread and freeze it in packs of two slices which is enough for my lunch.

Again, thank you for a real treat.


Thank you for the best bread I have ever eaten, please never never stop making it.

Have read all the other feedback emails and I agree totally with them. My favourite is the sesame and linseed one and please never never stop making it. Thank you for the best bread I have ever eaten, even my pre-gluten free days, no bread was as nice as your linseed sesame one. And the one downside of gluten free is cardboard bread………..until I discovered yours!


I am thrilled with your products

I have recently purchased some of your delicious gluten-free bread from the Organic shop in Lower Hutt. I have been searching for three years for a good replacement for “regular bread” since I moved to New Zealand and am thrilled with your products. I have several work colleagues who are also keen to find out where else we can buy your products as the organic shop frequently sells out!


We all love it

This morning I took my seven year old son Niko to Victoria Street market – the only real reason for this visit was to meet Rebecca and to get some of her lovely bread as well as cookies and buns! Niko and his dad Murray have been Gluten free for the last couple of weeks and since then they seem to be hungry all the time. None of the Gluten Free bread can satisfy them.

Anyway, just ate some of the cookies, a bun and more than half of the first loaf and we all love it. Thank you Rebecca and all of your Thoroughbread team, it was a pleasure to meeting you.


It is by far the best I have ever tasted

I just wanted to drop you a line and say I purchased your bread for the first time from common sense organics this week and oh my lord it is fantastic, thank for making such a beautiful gluten free bread, it is by far the best I have ever tasted and blows all others out of the water. Go you!!!


I had to stop him eating it!

I thought you might like to know that, even after one week since purchasing it, I have about one slice left of your wonderful gluten-free bread (the one I bought was Olive and Rosemary). I have kept it in the fridge and it is still okay, especially toasted. My partner, who is not gluten-free thought it was excellent also – and I had to stop him eating it!


I’m just blown away

I read the article in yesterday’s Dominion and came along today to your stall. I bought the Linseed & Sesame loaf as well as the Corn & Honey loaf. I like the linseed one best – in fact, I’m just blown away with it. I have coeliac disease and had pretty much given up on bread. Not any more! I’ll be a regular. You have done us a great service. By the way, with every other gluten free bread, when you slice it, you end up with a sticky residue on the knife. But not with your bread. You said in your article that you were after satisfaction. Yes, that’s it. I felt satisfied when I ate it.


It is the best gluten free bread I have ever tasted

I just had to tell you that I got two of your grain loaves of gluten free
bread It’s my first time at the market & I wasn’t sure what time you
were going to be there so I got there at 7.30am. It was worth the wait
I have to say it is the best gluten free bread I have ever tasted it is so
like real bread.


Absolutely fabulous

This is just a “thank you very much” email. I recently started buying your Olive & Rosemary gluten free bread from Common Sense Organics in Lower Hutt. This is the first gluten-free bread that I have enjoyed as a sandwich, untoasted. Absolutely fabulous. I am taking some to work tomorrow to share with a friend who is also gluten free because she was complaining about how stodgy most gluten free breads are.

Today I bought the Carrot & Fennel bread, and I enjoyed that for lunch filled with salmon and lettuce. I slice the bread and freeze it in packs of two slices which is enough for my lunch.

Again, thank you for a real treat.


I am thrilled with your products

I have recently purchased some of your delicious gluten-free bread from the Organic shop in Lower Hutt. I have been searching for three years for a good replacement for “regular bread” since I moved to New Zealand and am thrilled with your products. I have several work colleagues who are also keen to find out where else we can buy your products as the organic shop frequently sells out!


I was lucky enough to have tasted the INCREDIBLE gluten free bread

Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was lucky enough to have tasted the INCREDIBLE gluten free bread that you sent down to us a couple of weeks ago and was absolutely blown away! In fact, shared with some of my family (all of us are not gluten intolerant) and everybody loved it all, every last slice.


You can almost taste the love that’s gone into them

1 year ago we moved to Levin from Waiheke Island. On Waiheke Island there is a gentleman whom supplies the island with his delicious gluten free breads. Being Gluten free for 2 years now after being told I have to eat a Gluten Free diet for life as I otherwise suffer from dermitis herpetaformis. It affects my auto immune system and I also get blisters. I was at one of Levin’s local supermarkets in the bread isle, not expecting to see much other than Gluten Free breads with additives plus being so sweet that it is more pain than pleasure. I was surprised to discover your absolutely delicious breads, so I bought 2 loaves and ever since… I am really grateful to find your nutritional GF bread that tastes REAL. You can almost taste the love that’s gone into them. Thankyou.


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